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Monday, March 18, 2013


Can A Client Get A Stress Free Website Re-Design?

Website re-design is a notion that still lacks awareness than it actually deserves by the web masters. Website re-design is also a topic that requires enough brainstorming to overshadow the previous achievements of a website.

Moreover, the process of bettering the website often proves to be stressful for a web master. This article will be about some vital tips for making the process of website re-design stress free and keeping things butter-smooth.

Why Website Redesign?

EXPECTATIONS! Yes, the hidden motive behind why we even think of website redesign is changing expectations of our target audience. From my experience, I can proudly state that website redesign is one of the most crucial aspects in the lifecycle of a website and at the same time, the process is equally stressful. Therefore, before going for a redesign, the real objective behind should be clear. Having a clear vision will not only make the process smooth but will also make the process stress free.
Altogether, the primary thing to do before you start looking for the best man for the job, is to sit down and analyze your expectations for your site. Clearing your visions will not only specify things but will also assist the web designer in proceeding towards the right direction much swiftly. Here are certain questions that will assist you in making your expectations from the website clear:
  • What makes my website interesting?
  • What makes my website appearance dull?
  • What makes my competitor’s website so catchy?
  • Does my website really need a redesign or is it just minor changes will do?
  • What for I need a website redesign?
  • What all do I need in my redesigned website?
Hopefully, honest responses to these questions will be your perfect decision to go for a website redesign or not!
If you have made up your mind on going for a website redesign, then here are some major steps that can make your designers life easy and make the process a much stress-free affair:

Find Someone Who Is On Top Of His Game

Whether you hire a freelance web designer for your website or seek services from professional web design firm, what matters is the level of proficiency one holds. In short, the professional has to be expert at what he does, so that we have perfection as the end-result. The best way to do that will be to go through some brilliant portfolios so that you may actually be able to assess the level of the person who might be managing your design work in the future. The portfolios that you are going through should be close to the ones you have in your mind for your website. If you still have the slightest of any doubt, the next best thing will be to get in touch with any past client to assess their experience with the service provider and quality of management.

BUDGET And Services Associated With The Fee

The reason why I have highlighted the point in BOLD is the level of importance it holds altogether in the process of website redesign. Budget has always been an unavoidable part of any business, website-designing being no exception. There is always a specific amount, which a web master has to keep aside if he wishes to hire a professional web design firm for the job. Pragmatically, if you are a proud owner of an ecommerce portal then the figures can be much more than that of normal dynamic website.
Therefore, if you not a web designers yourself, it’s advisable to set a budget aside for the redesign process. Wait! Things don’t end so soon, especially when your project is managed by a third party service provider. Make sure you get good value of money on the services being rendered and a great way of finding the same is to find:
  • The number of revisions you will be getting with the service charges.
  • Whether you will be getting a dedicated employee and full-time access to your designer
  • Round the clock support
  • Any add-on feature available with the services like SEO promotion campaigns

Website Planning

Planning as a process can be defined as the process of thinking before doing, which is why it is considered one of the most pivotal steps in a management dictionary. If you are seeking the services of a professional web design firm then, it’s likely to get a site plan. However, if you are dealing with a single web designer, then be sure you get a website plan before starting with the actual work so that you have all the prime elements accounted before starting with the real deal. Trust me on this as it will make the design process much stress free.
Here’s what the site plan will cover:
  • The navigation structure of the website
  • Total number of web pages
  • Content on the web page
  • Color scheme or theme of the website with other page elements

Transparency And Feedback

A web design process that lacks transparency and restricts feedback can prove to be a big problem on a long run. While spending your hard-earned money on a web designer or a web design firm, make sure you are able to communicate freely with the person managing your designs. A transparent process will make sure your expectations are embedded into the design to make it perfect and an open communication will ensure everything proceeds as per your will and choice.

Detailed Analysis

So, you have got your website redesigned but before you start celebrating it’s time to perform a detailed analysis to make sure the website is actually good as it looks! There are chances when a given design may not seem perfect as it used to seem during the design phase. If you face situations like these then without wasting any time, you should be contacting the required personnel.


Mistakes that are common make the process of web design not only lengthy but also stressful for a web master. I hope this article will assist you in realizing as of why you need a website redesign and ways to keep the process of website redesign stress free.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →